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hOW DID YOU COME UP WITH YOUR BUSINESS NAME? yum Yum means exactly what it says......we cook with love....and we won't serVE you food that we won't eat.

WHAT IS YOUR MOST POPULAR MEAL ITEM? We believe our fans favorite dish would be the salmon salad. 

WHEN DID YOU START COOKING AND WHY? I've been in the cook game  for over 30 yEArs and was tired of making it happen for everyone else. 

What HAS BEEN YOUR MOST EXCITING MOMENT THUS FAR? Our proudest moment was when we sold our first salad and it was posted on Facebook. We sold out 2 weekends in a row after that.

What ARE THE FUTURE PLANS IN DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Our plans are to keep Yum Yum a small business and feed the streets.

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