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What is the meaning behind your business name? The meaning behind Vonna Got Cakes is simply me (DaVonna aka Vonna) got cakes. I got other treats as well, but the cakes are the heart of the business. Cakes is what start my baking journey and Vonna Got Cakes LLC.


What is a fan favorite dish? My fan favorite is my Strawberry Cake with Cream cheese Icing. Everyone loves it and my family gives me a hard time at every family event if I show up without it.

What made you start your business in cooking/catering? I started Vonna Got Cakes back in 2017 and we got fully established in 2020. The reason Vonna Got Cakes was created because I love making cakes. However, I also created it because I had a hard time finding work while still managing a chronic illness. Living with Lupus isn't always peaches and cream. On a "regular job" you only get so many sick days before they fire you. So, I took my struggles into my own hands. Stop waiting for disability and searching for an accommodating job. I created my own lane and it's been a marathon ever since.

What is your proudest moment as a business owner? I can't pinpoint a moment, but I can say I am proud of myself for not giving up. I've been on hiatus, and I had to go back to the drawing board so many times. It was hard and I've been so critical of myself. So, when I am feeling lost and in need of direction, I look beside me. To the people who got my back, people who support me and people rooting for me. Family, friends, and people I've met on my journey with my business. I say all that to say I'm proud of everything and especially my fight to keep going.

What are your business plans moving forward? I am ready to grow and learn more for the business. I'm looking to expand and create a team because where I see Vonna Got Cakes LLC going the work is beyond me. I know I need help. Can't wait to create more recipes and systems so the business still runs even if I am not the one doing all the work. Rebranding and creating something solid and a staple for the communities of Indianapolis.

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